Twitter a tool for terrorists?

A paper written by a US Army intelligence group examines the possible uses terrorists could have for mobile technologies, including Twitter. I read about in in Information Week. Of course, just about any technology can be put to nefarious use, but I suppose it’s a good thing that there are people in the military who are looking at this kind of thing.

Still, it all starts to sound a bit odd. For one thing, the paper was written by the 304 Military Intelligence Battalion Open Source Intelligence Team. That’s quite a name. Do you think they get special berets? What would their badge look like? An eagle with a keyboard in one talon and a mouse in the other?

Maybe soon we’ll be deploying social media denial teams into Iraq and Afghanistan.

Conrad voted.

He went to the polls with Bonnie for Carrboro early voting. I respect his privacy and didn’t ask who he voted for, but I suspect, like most Americans, he chose the candidate he feels is best able to keep our country safe from asparagus.

Maybe if we had jerseys.

Half the people I know seem to be big football fans. I envy the excitement they feel when football season starts, and their sense of anticipation getting ready for Sunday. Most of their spouses understand that Sunday afternoon is sacrosanct and that the fans in the house will be parked on the couch in front of the TV and not to be disturbed.

All week long I’ve been looking forward to being parked on the couch Sunday afternoon, doing nothing but watching TV and messing around on the web. Somehow this does not carry the same weight.