Domestic translations

Around our house if we say, “Shall we freeze the rest of that?” what we usually mean is, “Huh. That wasn’t very good, but there’s nothing so notably bad about it that we can just throw it away, so let’s put it in the freezer, and barring a global economic collapse or food shortage, throw it away in a few months.”


Quick trip to the doctor today following a playground head bonk that turned out to be nothing. Although it seemed to make him smarter. As I was carrying him on my shoulders into the office, he reminded me I’d left my iPhone in the car. Then he said, “Conrad go to doctor,” despite the fact that I had studiously kept that fact from him up to that point, and that he’d never been to that doctor’s office before. Somehow he figured it out.

After totally cracking up the nurse practitioner who gave him a clean bill of health, he said, “I have fun at doctor.”

Conrad/Daddy air guitar party

Last night The Boy and I got up from the dinner table and had a little air guitar face-off before bath time. He had his rake, I had the red plastic baseball bat. We jammed to “Stolen Blues” by American Princes and “Stop the Rock” by Apollo 440 and got more than halfway into “Tattooed Love Boys” by The Pretenders before he started singing “Firetruck.”