The Albany Line Assassin

This morning I was the only person at the bus stop when she arrived. I was right on the curb. She positioned herself about 20 feet uphill from me, well outside the area of average doorfall. Good luck, I thought. You’re out of range.

As the bus approached, she moved downhill, closer, taking little bunny-feet steps until she was about five feet away from me, arriving precisely as the driver was braking and picking his aiming point.

She was squarely in front of the door when it opened. She beamed at the driver like a toddler who just found a piece of forgotten Halloween candy without too much cat hair on it under the sofa. I’ll admit I was impressed. She has honed her craft.

Just FYI, I nearly unfriended radical cyclist John Rees for asking why this matters. I should not have to explain this to right-thinking people.

You’re either on the bus or off the bus.