My first social media to-do list

I started as Social Media Manager at SAS in December, 2008. I had a lot to learn back then, and I still do. On November 5, 2008, I had lunch with my friend Nathan Gilliatt, who, in the 30-some years since we first met, has become pretty knowledgeable about social media himself, and now blogs at The Net-Savvy Executive and Social Media Analysis, is principal of Social Target and publishes valuable social media research including the Guide to Social Media Analysis and Social Media Analysis Platforms for Workgroups.

Over a large sandwich, Nathan gave me a list of things I should know about and people I should follow if I wanted to ramp up my enterprise social media knowledge. I pasted that list into a sticky note on my iGoogle page, and it’s been there ever since. I just looked over it again and decided to post it here. It gives a brief, interesting glimpse of how things have changed in the last 20 months. I’m also not afraid to admit how little I knew about the tools of social media when I took on the job, other than blogging.

We all started somewhere, and we’re all learning.

Here’s a screen shot of the list. I spelled David Churbuck’s name wrong, as well as Pownce. Also, the Alltop link has changed to