Two weeks is a long time in the life of a baby

I know, it’s unforgivable that I’ve gone so long without posting. So much has happened. He’s crawling like a champ, pulling up and starting to cruise. I think. That’s one of those baby terms of which I only have a vague grasp. He’s pulling up, standing with only one hand to steady himself, and looking really hard like he wants to try to walk to other objects. If that’s cruising, that’s what he’s doing.

“Note also our new easy-to-clean carpet squares to replace the bad, bad, white shag rug that Conrad enjoyed harvesting and spitting up upon.”

Big week for utensils

In addition to giving him his own spoon, we’ve started him on a sippy cup, which you would think would be a piece of cake after weeks of practicing with a regular, open, big-person cup. It nonetheless held a few challenges, such as determining which end the water came out of. I think we’ll hold off on the fork for a while.

Spoons are for smearing

We bought him his own spoon a month or two back. Just in the last couple of weeks he’s been really interested in holding it while we feed him, and even more recently, he seems to want to get in on the act. He’s tried scooping out of the bowl with his spoon, with predictably limited degrees of success. This weekend I started handing him the spoon with a little bit of food on it. This explains why he has dried mango crusted in his nostrils and eyelashes.