First Day Alone

Today was the first day that Conrad and I spent alone home together. Up until now, either Dave or the doula have been here for all of part of the day. Hence the lack of photos, as Dave has been in charge of all things electronic in the past two weeks.

All in all, it went pretty well. I still am contemplating how I might watch the baby, take a shower, get dressed and leave the house in a single day. Perhaps the shower isn’t so important.

The miracle of the day is that Conrad has been holding tight to a schedule. I’m sure this has nothing to do with me, and more to do with him, his stomach size and disposition. Regardless, every three hours, like clockwork, he wakes up, nurses and then promptly goes back to sleep. I’m sure this won’t last, but it’s been a very nice first day together.

I’ve even had time to pet the poor needy cats. Poor Roy is about to tie a napsack to his back and go in search of a more attentive family. It’s hard to explain the concept of ‘baby’ to the furry family that’s been the center of attention for the past ten years.

In other news, we welcome two new babies to the world. Congratulations Jenny and Jon Whaley on the arrival of Sterling Bernard, born on Sunday. They came and visited us on Friday night and then Jenny went into labor on Saturday. That’s some baby mojo Conrad has.

Also Congratulations to our neighbors Ingrid and Rob Morris on the arrival of Anna Katherine, born on Thursday. Conrad looks forward to hanging out with his new friends.