Mo’ Money

now THAT’S the back of a banknote

The designers here at the Plooble Bureau of Printing and Engraving have been working overtime in the realization that Plooble shoppers need something other than a Fitty. After careful consideration, the Currency Committee has selected a group of esteemed Plooblers to be honored on our banknotes.

“Click the thumbnail to make ’em grandiose.”







Please be advised that printing out these notes and circulating them may be a violation of applicable laws in jurisdictions less enlighted than the Untidy State of Plooble. “My apologies to the counter staff at Quizno’s who received a Fitty in the tip jar, courtesy of Primo.”

If I spent half as much time on my job search as I do on this blog, I would be president of IBM by now. “I had to say that before my dad did.”