Not Exactly a Fistful

me and Olaf mod.jpg
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Want to know what my week in Iceland is like so far? It’s like that.

I’m not going to write much here since it is way past beer thirty, but I had to post that picture. And besides, I’m writing this on Adda Snackfish’s computer, which has a Swedish keyboard set for Icelandic characters, but they aren’t marked, which means it’s basically a random character generator. I was writing the Airwaves daily diary yesterday and it took me ten minutes to figure out that to make a question mark you hit the shift key and the circumflex. To make a @, you hit ALT GR and Q. ALT GR?

But it can do this: Æ Ð ó ú æ ð í þ

Often when you don’t want it to.

I’ve started the daily diary entries. You can see them at the Iceland Airwaves site. Click on Airwaves Insider, then Daily Diary.