Proud of my dad

I just got a copy of The Hard Road to the Softer Side by Art Martinez, former chairman and CEO of Sears, which includes this mention of my father:

After I graduated from Harvard, I worked for Enjay Chemical, which was to become Exxon, and had some powerful mentoring from a man named Dave Thomas. He was the first person I ran into in the marketplace who recognized that businesses should run from the outside, that they should spend a lot of time paying attention to their customers.

My father, David Thomas
My father, David Thomas

He also thanks my dad in the Acknowledgements, for “teaching me to think creatively and constructively about business.”

Dad had a long career in marketing, culminating in the position of president of Northern Telecom Japan, where he negotiated a contract to sell digital switching systems to the Japanese phone company, NTT. Not only was the deal worth billions to Nortel, but it was the first time a US company had sold a major piece of technology to a Japanese government agency. His customer focus certainly helped in what was a long and convoluted process of negotiation and fulfillment.

Dad and I spent a few hours this afternoon working on his blog, which should be ready for its debut soon. It’ll be worth reading.