Ten tips for establishing a social media policy


Ten Tips for Establishing a Social Media Policy from David B Thomas on Vimeo.

A preview of the panel discussion I will be participating in at the MarketingProfs Digital Marketing Mixer in Chicago, Oct. 21-22, 2009. The panel is called Positioning Your Company to Reap the Benefits of Social Media. I’ll be focusing on creating an effective social media policy for your company.

::UPDATE:: If you don’t want to watch the video “even though it does have a few yuks”, here are my 10 tips:

1. Get everybody together in the same room.
2. Invite the skeptics as well as the evangelists.
3. Involve the practitioners, not just the rulemakers.
4. Get Legal and HR involved from the start, and don’t make them adversaries.
5. Decide how you’ll deal with conflicting opinions and make decisions.
6. Include best practices in your policies: the dos as well as the don’ts.
7. Make sure your policy reflects your company’s personality.
8. Publish your policy.
9. Communicate it constantly in every avenue available to you.
10. Lead by example. Participate yourself and highlight positive examples by others.

Do you have any questions about creating a social media policy? What’s worked for you? Or not worked?

Originally published on Conversations & Connections, my SAS social media blog