
And now for a more serious subject: Vaccines. There’s been so much coverage in the media about vaccines and children and the potential link between autism and the MMR vaccination. I’ve been paying attention, but hadn’t known much about the vaccination schedule until our pediatrician presented it to me at our prenatal appointment.

A word about our pediatrician: I really like her. She’s doesn’t pull any punches and is very straight forward. She’s not into trends. When I asked her what books she would recommend, she told me to get the guide from the American Academy of Pediatrics for birth to 5 years. She’s very thorough and when she gives a suggestion, it feels like it comes from years of experience.

At Conrad’s one month appointment, I brought a copy of Dr. Sears’ Vaccine Book, which our doula had lent to me. The book suggests a more drawn out vaccination schedule than the one recommended by the Academy. It doesn’t promote children skipping vaccines. I told her my concerns about overloading little bodies with so many vaccinations at one time “5 at the 2 month checkup – although admittedly combined into a single injection”.

Her response was quite strong and somewhat unexpected. She looked me in the eye and said that the MMR vaccination does not cause autism and that she feels strongly that by drawing out the vaccination schedule that I would be increasing my child’s pain by increasing the number of injections. I felt a little bullied, so agreed that at Conrad’s 2 month checkup, we’d stick with the plan.

I plan on reading the Vaccine Book more thoroughly to see what I think, but right now, I’m not sure whether to take a stand with our pediatrician or to go with what’s recommended.